Take online payments safely and securely

Payment Collections

We provide businesses with the technical services to send and receive online payments in multiple currencies via a wide number of electronic money remitters globally with zero hassle.

Global Payment Card Acceptance

With a simple, single card integration system, we support all major card schemes like Mastercard, Visa and AMEX; allowing you to process payments in over 100 different currencies and pretty much anywhere in the world!

White Label Platform

You can use our wide range of white label customization options to tailor the site experience per the preferences of your customers. At Top Drawer Technology Ltd, integrations come easy, scalability is a brand mission, and customer satisfaction is the top priority.

Digital Wallet Methods

The value of digital wallets and the convenience they bring cannot be underestimated, especially when it comes to mobile commerce. We provide smooth integrations with digital wallets so that your customers can have that option handy for making payments. Statistically, the majority of audiences' shop using their phones or tablets - which means, they are highly likely to make payments through wallets.

Processing Currencies

Our gateway offers multiple currency transactions, enabling your business to grow internationally.

Payment Distribution

Our platform facilitates you to make payments - be they single or in bulkin a matter of seconds using a simple click.


We make payouts available to numerous business types and market sectors, making sure we leave no one out of the loop. We provide generous limits on single payouts and high value payouts, which is something we pair with guaranteeing payouts (under certain terms and conditions). We go through the trouble of doing all of this in order to make our payout plans as flexible as possible.


We cater to your wire payments with technologies that allow easy integration. Experience the power of seamless API integrations which allow us to provide you with the power to track every individual wire payment (be it local or international).


Demands of payment receipts and physical processes like cheques is still relatively prevalent. To cater to this segment, we have put resources in place that allow us to manage every stage of the process - be it administrative, transactional or even logistical.

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